I spent a week in Salt Lake doing the rehab bootcamp of my dreams. Every day I went to bed aware of every muscle. This has been a goal of mine since getting this new complicated body. My week at Neuroworx turned out as positive and productive as I hoped. I was there 10-4 every day. I did a million exercises for my hips and quads and glutes. I walked on my first day and on my last. The comparison was really useful. I got a clear illustration of just how much they taught me and just how much I can gain in a blip of time.
To say that I want to go back, that I am addicted, would be an understatement. I have been frustrated, every day, by how little I can do on my own. It is so hard to start with nothing. I can see an escape velocity to the recovery ahead. I just need to get strong enough to be able to do enough on my own... Getting there is an exercise in patience. Patience has never been my strong suit.
So great to hear your visit was so successful!!! Keep going! Can’t wait to hear more and positive thoughts from me to you.